A comprehensive solution for stable isotope analysis in the food industry
Our BiovisION analysis system represents one of the most complete and sophisticated solutions on the market for stable isotope analysis in the food industry, providing powerful and versatile performance with a minimal footprint.
With food supply chains growing ever more complex, it becomes more and more difficult to ensure that we can trust the quality and origins of foods. Stable isotope analysis can help to re-establish the trust in labels by using the unique inherent stable isotope signature of premium and protected foods to detect fraudulent adulteration and confirm the true origin of ingredients. This helps to guarantee the safety of the public, as well as the future of these culturally important foods.
BiovisION is designed to provide a convenient and multifaceted solution for analysts in this field, delivering outstanding results and cost-effective operations.
Highlights of the BiovisION
Ease of use
Good-For-Go control allows one click instrument set-up
Advanced data analysis
with the most powerful stable isotope data processing software ever created
Minimal footprint
almost 50 % smaller than any other commercial stable isotope analyzer
Low cost of ownership
thanks to instrument sleep/wake-up functions for reduced resource consumption
Ease of use
BiovisION is designed to provide straightforward analysis and intelligent control for incredible ease of use. Its auto sample dilution feature and automated gain switching for isotopically enriched sample analysis minimize the manual workload involved, while its 120-position sample carousel can be added to in real time to further improve efficiency. Additionally, its Good-For-Go control technology allows instrument setup to be completed with a single click, significantly reducing handling time.
Advanced data analysis
BiovisION is optimized to deliver cutting-edge analytical capabilities for laboratories, offering:
100 V amplification for large dynamic range samples
advanced purge and trap chromatography for exceptional separation of combustion gases
zero blank ball valve sample introduction for low-concentration nitrogen analysis
sophisticated stable isotope data processing software that represents the most powerful suite ever created for this application
Minimal footprint
BiovisION is almost 50% smaller than any other commercial stable isotope analyzer currently available, meaning users can benefit from considerable performance within a compact package.
Low cost of ownership
Elementar has designed BiovisION as a cost-effective solution, complete with instrument sleep/wake-up functions for reduced consumption of resources. Meanwhile, its ten-year furnace warranty ensures that users can continue to rely on its reliable performance for years to come.
Product details
BiovisION is a complete solution for stable isotope-based food analysis, consisting of the following modules:

isoprime visION stable isotope analyzer
The isoprime visION isotope ratio mass spectrometer offers exceptional bulk and compound-specific isotope analysis. Developed for highest ease of use, simplicity is what isoprime visION is about. It offers a completely new experience of stable isotope analysis: an experience free from the routine chores of maintenance, focusing on the science, not the instrumentation. Thus, isoprime visION opens the power of stable isotopes even to laboratories yet inexperienced in the use of isotope ratio mass spectrometry.

centrION monitoring gas handling and inlet interface system
centrION is the powerful core of the isoprime visION system. With complete automation through digital control, centrION is the central interface for isoprime visION’s inlet systems, as well as handling the monitoring and gas injections required for instrument performance checking.
Completely integrated into the isoprime visION footprint and handled intelligently by our lyticOS® Software Suite, centrION works seamlessly to perform complicated tasks with incredible simplicity.
With centrION, you are finally released from the daily maintenance routines of your instrument and you can focus purely on your science.

lyticOS® BiovisION operating license for acquisition and data processing
lyticOS® Software Suite is the revolutionary new software for the isoprime visION stable isotope analyzer. It works in concert with the isoprime visION and centrION to provide an unrivalled level of intelligent control.
Designed completely from the ground up for an exceptional user experience, lyticOS® is the most sophisticated yet simple software suite ever created. Its clean user interface belies the level of sophistication within, giving you unrivalled capabilities to generate exceptional data with ease.
lyticOS® allows isoprime visION to reclaim responsibility for sample analysis from you by offering incredible functionality both pre- and post-acquisition, significantly reducing instrument contact time.

vario ISOTOPE cube elemental analyzer for N, C and S isotope analysis
The vario ISOTOPE cubeprovides market-leading precision and accuracy in EA-IRMS analysis, combined with outstanding flexibility and superior ease of use. The instrument can determine samples with even the most challenging C:S elemental ratios of up to 8,000:1. This can be achieved thanks to the Advanced Purge and Trap technology provided exclusively by us.
The large dynamic range of the vario ISOTOPE cube allows measurement of samples in the low microgram and the two-digit milligram range. The possible applications range from testing pure organic material (e.g. charcoal) to sediments with only trace amounts of organic material.
Compound-specific isotope analysis:
With compound-specific isotope analysis, it becomes possible to analyze complex organic mixtures for samples such as olive oils, flavor compounds and other ingredients. By investigating at a compound-specific level, researchers can determine comprehensive isotope fingerprints of their samples facilitating the detection of sophisticated fraudulent activity.
As a Value-Added Reseller (VAR) partner of Agilent Technologies, we can provide the highest-performing GC-IRMS system with extremely high sensitivity and precision for your most challenging samples.
Combined elemental analysis and isotope ratios:
With the BiovisION, it is possible to extract elemental composition data and isotopic ratio analysis from a single sample, giving you more data from your samples. However, high-performance elemental composition analysis can only be achieved when samples are accurately weighed prior to analysis, which is why we supply a six-figure analytical microbalance with the instrument for the highest performance.
The fastest multi-elemental isotopic fingerprint:
The vario ISOTOPE cube takes full advantage of the Advanced Purge and Trap technology employed in our range of elemental analyzers. This unique technology provides exceptional capabilities for separating and controlling analytical gases.
From this capability, the vario ISOTOPE cube is able to generate the fastest multi-elemental isotopic fingerprint by analyzing C, N, H and S isotopes from a single sample. This delivers the highest possible sample throughput, allowing you to extract more data even quickly.
Liquid sample analysis:
Premium alcoholic drinks such as whiskey and vodka can be directly analyzed for their 13C isotope signature using the vario Liquid sampler (VLS), a fully automated injection system for the vario ISOTOPE cube elemental analyzer. The VLS can also be used to analyze 18O and 2H isotopes of rainwater and groundwater, which can then be used to develop an “isoscape” to enable geographic point-of-origin studies.
Food stuffs
Fruit pulp and vegetable matter
Meat and seafood
Bulk proteins
Olive oils