Power and efficiency combined for petrochemical analysis
PetrovisION is an advanced stable isotope analysis solution, delivering ease-of-use benefits and a significantly improved return on investment for the petroleum industry.
Stable isotope analysis has become a critical technique for upstream reservoir exploration through well profiling, as understanding the origin of oil and gas in any new reservoir is an essential requirement for determining its feasibility and suitability to exploitation. Additionally, the technique is often used in the assessment of unconventional resources such as shale gas and coal bed methane, as well as traditional crude reservoirs.
PetrovisION provides a complete solution for all of these sample types, providing petrochemical service laboratories with substantial data handling capabilities and minimal instrument contact time.
Highlights of the PetrovisION
Ease of use
Good-For-Go control allows one click instrument set-up
Advanced data analysis
with the most powerful stable isotope data processing software ever created
Minimal footprint
almost 50 % smaller than any other commercial stable isotope analyzer
Low cost of ownership
thanks to instrument sleep/wake-up functions for reduced resource consumption
Ease of use
PetrovisION provides straightforward analysis and intelligent control capabilities, making it one of the easiest solutions of its kind to use.
As with the other offerings in the isoprime visION product range, its Good-For-Go control technology allows instrument setup to be completed with a single click.
Advanced data analysis
PetrovisION delivers cutting-edge analytical capabilities for laboratories, with features including:
100 V amplification for large dynamic range samples, such as natural gases
a market-leading furnace design that provides long-term, robust sample analysis without re-conditioning
sophisticated stable isotope data processing software that represents the most powerful suite ever created for this application, with lyticOS® Peak Mapping reducing whole oil data analysis to minutes rather than hours
Minimal footprint
PetrovisION offers impressive performance within a compact package, with the design of the unit being almost 50 % smaller than any other commercial stable isotope analyzer currently on the market.
Low cost of ownership
PetrovisION includes instrument sleep/wake-up functions for reduced consumption of resources, ensuring a long-lasting and economical performance.
Product details
PetrovisION is a complete solution for stable isotope-based petrochemical analysis, consisting of the following modules:

isoprime visION stable isotope analyzer
The isoprime visION isotope ratio mass spectrometer offers exceptional bulk and compound-specific isotope analysis. Developed for highest ease of use, simplicity is what isoprime visION is about. It offers a completely new experience of stable isotope analysis: an experience free from the routine chores of maintenance, focusing on the science, not the instrumentation. Thus, isoprime visION opens the power of stable isotopes even to laboratories yet inexperienced in the use of isotope ratio mass spectrometry.

centrION monitoring gas handling and inlet interface system
centrION is the powerful core of the isoprime visION system. With complete automation through digital control, centrION is the central interface for isoprime visION’s inlet systems, as well as handling the monitoring and gas injections required for instrument performance checking.
Completely integrated into the isoprime visION footprint and handled intelligently by our lyticOS® Software Suite, centrION works seamlessly to perform complicated tasks with incredible simplicity.
With centrION, you are finally released from the daily maintenance routines of your instrument and you can focus purely on your science.

lyticOS® PetrovisION operating license for acquisition and data processing
lyticOS® Software Suite is the revolutionary new software for the isoprime visION stable isotope analyzer. It works in concert with the isoprime visION and centrION to provide an unrivalled level of intelligent control.
Designed completely from the ground up for an exceptional user experience, lyticOS® is the most sophisticated yet simple software suite ever created. Its clean user interface belies the level of sophistication within, giving you unrivalled capabilities to generate exceptional data with ease.
lyticOS® allows isoprime visION to reclaim responsibility for sample analysis from you by offering incredible functionality both pre- and post-acquisition, significantly reducing instrument contact time.

Agilent 8890 GC with GC5 furnace for δ13C and δ2H isotope analysis
Compound-specific isotope analysis is a fundamental tool for analyzing complex oil samples for well profiling, as well as for assessing δ13C and δ2H isotopes of natural gases to determine their source and maturity.
The GC5 system offers exceptional sensitivity for low-concentration analytes, while maintaining chromatographic integrity of sample peaks during compound conversion. The robust and long-lasting oxidation conditions in the conversion furnace mean that very high molecular weight compounds can be analyzed routinely.
As a Value-Added Reseller (VAR) Partner of Agilent Technologies, the GC5 system takes full advantage of the market-leading Agilent 8890 GC system to create the highest-performance GC-IRMS system for your research.
In addition to these four core components, the PetrovisION solution also incorporates an Agilent 7693 autosampler turret for up to 16 samples, and a natural gas injection kit including a suitable GC column for δ13C and δ2H isotope analysis.
GC-MS compound identification
When running complex oil samples, run times can extend up to two to three hours with hundreds of compounds eluting from the GC column. With this complexity, it is very difficult to confidently declare which compounds are being analyzed, since the molecular structure of the compound is destroyed in the high-temperature furnace.
By combining an Agilent 5977B MSD with PetrovisION, a single sample injection can be performed to achieve compound identification and isotope analysis at the same time, saving large amounts of time by eliminating the need to perform two injections.
Bulk isotope analysis for NSOs
Heavy oils contain large amounts of nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen, as well as other heavy metals, asphaltenes, and resins. This makes the oils less amenable to GC analysis, meaning bulk isotope analysis of these compounds can be useful to characterize the oils. Bulk δ13C and δ2H can also be used for quick screening of oils samples, utilizing the vario PYRO cube®for high throughput.
Automated gas analysis with IsoTubes
The use of IsoTubes (ISOTECH Laboratories Inc.) to deliver natural gas samples from the wellhead to the laboratory is becoming increasingly common, thanks to the easy shipment and durability of the IsoTubes. PetrovisION can be supplied with a specialized autosampler from Gerstel, allowing for the rapid, fully automated analysis of large numbers of IsoTubes, delivering higher throughput and lower operating costs.
Water analysis capabilities
Water is commonly used in the drilling process, and recent advances in hydraulic fracturing have increased scrutiny on the consumption of water resources during this process. Analysis of oxygen and hydrogen isotopes may be useful for determining the source of waters and distinguishing between pumped surface waters and aquifers; adding the vario Liquid Sampler to PetrovisION makes this analysis simple and straightforward.
Whole oils
Natural gases
Saturated and unsaturated oil fractions
Kerogen, asphaltenes, and similar substances
Shales, sediments, carbonates, sulfides, and nitrates